Lockhart Senior Phase Moderate Model

Progression from Broad General Education (S1-3) into the Senior Phase (S4-6)

Our Senior Phase curriculum is designed to build directly from the Experiences and Outcomes pupils experience in their Broad General Education. This pathway provides a continuum of learning that will be validated and certificated for pupils in their Senior Phase. This will include National qualifications, DoE/John Muir awards, Developing Young Workforce and other wider achievements.

These are decisions for staff, parents/carers and pupils to take together via annual review/options meetings with class teacher or DHT in order to identify the best pathway for our learners, depending on the talents, needs, interests and abilities of each pupil.

Responsive planning means that no decision will be static; pupil groups and support levels may change according to the needs of individuals and the department.

Senior Phase Entitlements

All young people in Scotland have an entitlement to a senior phase of education which:


  • Provides specialisation, depth and rigour
  • Prepares them well for achieving qualifications to the highest level of which they are capable
  • Continues to develop skills for learning, skills for life and skills for work
  • Develops their communication, confidence and self esteem
  • Continues to provide a range of activities which develop the four capacities
  • Supports them to achieve a positive and sustained destination

Senior Phase Pathway in Lockhart Campus

Learning experiences will include undertaking courses in:

  • English, Literacy & Communication
  • Maths & Numeracy
  • Social Studies – History, Geography and Modern Studies
  • ICT – Computing and Information Technology
  • Sciences – Science in the Environment
  • Personal Development – Independent Living skills, World of Work and Personal Achievement

This core curriculum enhances literacy, numeracy, health and wellbeing, independence and skills for lifelong learning through routines, interactions and regular activities.

Responsive planning means that no decision will be static; pupil groups and support levels may change according to the needs of individuals and the department.

In addition over the course of their Senior Phase pupils will be able to work to gain experiences and qualifications in:

  • Health and Wellbeing – Physical Education
  • Food, Health and Wellbeing
  • Technologies – Craft Technology & ICT
  • Expressive Arts – Creative & Performing
  • Developing Young Workforce Streams
  • Wider Achievement – John Muir & Duke of Edinburgh

In their final year pupils will be supported by Lockhart to gain additional National Qualifications through attendance at the Ayrshire College via a transition class running one day per week.  This is also an important part of any college transition post school. At school we also aim to build self-esteem, self-confidence and independence skills wherever possible, encouraging and challenging the young people to achieve their very best so that they can play an active part in their local communities.  Partnership working with communities, further education centres, businesses and Third Sector partners will play a key role in developing lifelong learning and the foundation of skills used throughout life.

In essence within Lockhart we aim to take the above entitlements, experiences and supports into account and provide our young people with a range of qualifications, skills and achievements that will move forward with them to ensure a planned positive post-school destination.