Providing an exceptional learning environment for learners aged 5 – 18 who require additional support across their educational journey

General Info

Pupils aged: 5 -18 years

Head Teacher:  Wendy Fenton

Class Staff Structure

Our Leadership Team

Quick Info

Registration and Enrolment

Places in Lockhart Campus are allocated through the North Ayrshire Inclusion Group. Your child’s early year’s centre / primary school / NAC Educational Psychologist will be the point of contact for any referrals to the inclusion group.

Following a successful referral and evaluation of your child’s needs Lockhart and your child’s present early years centre/school will hold a pre-placement meeting.

This meeting will allow all adults involved with the child to share information. The Lockhart DHT in attendance will share a programme of planned transition activities. It will be agreed by the current team around the child what is appropriate in terms of transition visits to ensure a smooth transition to Lockhart.

Additional meetings are held in the months before your child starts at Lockhart. This will allow parents and carers to share appropriate information including likes/dislikes with the child’s staff team to plan transition and gather information for your child’s individual planning.

View the transition leaflet ⟶

School Dress Code

Blue sweatshirt/cardigan
Grey skirt/trousers/joggers
White polo shirt/white shirt
Lockhart tie
Tartan skirt/pinafore

Black sweatshirt/cardigan
Black skirt/trousers/joggers
White polo shirt/white shirt
Lockhart tie

School Uniform Provider
Embroidery Solutions
5 Longfield Avenue
Kilwinning, KA13 6EX
Tel: 01294 558581

School Meal Provision

Every child in Lockhart is entitled to a free school meal. Meals are served daily from the multi-choice cafeteria.  The meals are planned to offer a healthy diet for the children. Please inform us if your child has any specific allergies.  Parents of children who require a special diet can arrange this by contacting the school.

There are arrangements in place for children who would prefer to eat a packed lunch.

Lockhart Campus – School Meal Provision


In addition to the Primary NAC Menu we offer for senior pupils:

Monday – Cheese Panini & Chicken Burger

Tuesday – Cheese Pizza & Veggie Burger

Wednesday – Beef Burger & Chicken Panini

Thursday – Chicken and Sweetcorn Pizza & Cheese Panini

Friday – Beef Burger & Quorn Wrap

Dietary & Cultural Needs Request Form →

Parents/Carers should complete this form and return to their link DHT if your child has any dietary provisions we can assist in catering for.

These can be returned to the main office or emailed to

School Transport Hub Contact Details:

Monday to Thursdays: 9am – 4.45pm

Fridays: 9am – 4.30 pm

Telephone: 01294 541 600 option 3



Swimming Pool

Complete with fantastic colour-changing lights which allows us to provide Hydrotherapy Sessions and Swimming lessons for our pupils.

Outdoor Classroom

Featuring grass and planted areas, sensory areas, quiet seating areas, story telling areas and willow dens.

Outdoor Play Areas

Sand pits, trampolines, chutes and swings to choose from.

WELCOME to lockhart campus

north ayrshire

At Lockhart Campus we provide an exceptional learning environment for learners aged 5 – 18 who require additional support across their educational journey. We support pupils to develop a passion for learning and equip them with skills for independence.

We encourage intellectual curiosity and a positive growth mind-set, which we foster through the delivery of a bespoke interdisciplinary curriculum, underpinned by the principles of Nurture, to enable all pupils to unlock their potential.


School Overview

The school roll is currently a total of 199 pupils. 113 of which are S1-S6 pupils and 85 primary pupils. This is staffed by a Head Teacher, four Depute Head Teachers and five Principal Teachers. We have 37 teachers, 26 Additional Support Practitioners and 74 Classroom Assistants.
Soft Start
includes morning routines (Core Curriculum)
9.00 - 9.15
Learning Block 1 (AM)
Includes Snack and Snack Routines (Core Curriculum)
9.15 - 10.30
Playtime Outside Break - P1/P2 - EY outside area + P1/P2 rear garden area / P3-P7 – primary side rear garden + primary courtyard10.30 - 10.45
AM Learning Block 2 (PM)
Includes Lunch routines (core curriculum)
10.45 - 12.00
Lunch / Outside Break12.00 - 12.45
PM Learning Block 3
Includes Home Routines (Core Curriculum)
12.45 - 3.15
Includes Morning routines (Core Curriculum)
9.00 - 9.15
Learning Block 19.15 - 10.05
Learning Block 210.05 - 10.55
Outside Break/Off Task - secondary side rear garden + dining pod courtyard + secondary side courtyard + MUGA pitch10.55 - 11.10
Learning Block 311.10 - 12.00
Learning Block 412.00 - 1.00
Lunch1.00 - 1.30
Learning Block 51.30 - 2.20
Learning Block 6
Includes Home routines (Core curriculum)
2.20 - 3.15


Boglemart Street
KA20 3JL

Find us on a map →

School Hours

Primary: 9.15am – 3pm
Secondary: 9am – 3.15pm

Office: 8.30am – 4.00pm Mon-Wed
8.30am – 4.30pm Thu & Fri

Phone & Email

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Head Teacher

Young people are at the centre of everything we do and our supportive and nurturing ethos ensures our pupils will experience success and achieve their potential in school and in the wider community.

Wendy Fenton

Head Teacher

Lockhart Campus Diary