Lockhart campus

Parent Council

Parent Council
Lockhart Campus:

Parent Council meets every second Wednesday of the month at 11.30 within Lockhart Campus.
(Subject to change)

Parent Council e-mail: lockhartpc@gmail.com

Chairperson – Claire Greenwood
Vice Chairperson – Kirsty McNicol
Secretary – Clare Hume
Treasurer – Geraldine Doyle

Parentzone Scotland

Parentzone Scotland is a unique website for parents and carers in Scotland, from early years to beyond school. The website provides up-to-date information about learning in Scotland, and practical advice and ideas to support children’s learning at home in literacy, numeracy, health and wellbeing and science.

Information is also available on Parentzone Scotland regarding additional support needs, how parents can get involved in their child’s school and education. Furthermore, the website has details about schools including performance data for school leavers from S4-S6; and links to the national, and local authority and school level data on the achievement of Curriculum for Excellence levels. Parentzone Scotland can be accessed at:


Parent Council Facebook

This page is for sharing of information and is managed by the admin from the Parent Council. Questions or requests will no longer be responded to by Staff of Lockhart.

We would encourage you to contact the school directly for this. Please phone or email and we will be able to help!