Lockhart campus
School Profile
The Campus opened in July 2021 and includes a school and respite and residential facilities. North Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership share our building, allowing us to work in close partnership and benefit from a joint planning approach.
It is an innovative, exciting and inclusive building which enables young people to build on their strengths and skills in a fun and meaningful way.
Our pupils benefit from Hydrotherapy Pool, Soft Play, Sensory Integration areas, STEM and Life Skills areas and immersive rooms.
The school roll is currently a total of 199 pupils. 113 of which are S1-S6 pupils and 85 primary pupils. This is staffed by a Head Teacher, four Depute Head Teachers and five Principal Teachers. We have 37 teachers, 26 Additional Support Practitioners and 74 Classroom Assistants.
All of our pupils are eligible to have a free school meal. Within Lockhart 63% of our pupils live in the 30% most deprived datazones. The deciles are based on Scottish Government’s Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation where decile 1 is the most deprived and decile 10 is the least deprived.
The illustration below describes our context.