Lockhart campus
Transition Plan
Registration and Enrolment
Places in Lockhart Campus are allocated through the North Ayrshire Inclusion Group. Your child’s early year’s centre / primary school / NAC Educational Psychologist will be the point of contact for any referrals to the inclusion group.
Following a successful referral and evaluation of your child’s needs Lockhart and your child’s present early years centre/school will hold a pre-placement meeting.
This meeting will allow all adults involved with the child to share information. The Lockhart DHT in attendance will share a programme of planned transition activities. It will be agreed by the current team around the child what is appropriate in terms of transition visits to ensure a smooth transition to Lockhart.
Additional meetings are held in the months before your child starts at Lockhart. This will allow parents and carers to share appropriate information including likes/dislikes with the child’s staff team to plan transition and gather information for your child’s individual planning.